2D renderer written in C using Vulkan and SDL2
VK2D Directory Reference


file  Camera.h [code]
 User-level camera things.
file  DescriptorControl.h [code]
 Makes dynamic descriptor control simpler.
file  Model.h [code]
 Declares things related to loading and managing models.
file  Polygon.h [code]
 Abstraction of VK2DBuffer for shapes.
file  Renderer.h [code]
 The main renderer that handles all rendering.
file  Shader.h [code]
 Makes shaders possible in VK2D.
file  ShadowEnvironment.h [code]
 Information needed to use hardware-accelerated shadows.
file  Structs.h [code]
 Forward declares struct typedefs.
file  Texture.h [code]
 Makes managing textures samplers and off-screen rendering simpler.
file  VK2D.h [code]
 Includes all the relevant things you need.
file  VulkanInterface.h [code]
 Tools to allow the user to mess with vulkan themselves.